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and Niveau Elevé

Philosophy Niveau Eléve

Every time we look at a haute watch, it reminds us that time is our time.

A Niveau Eléve watch goes hand in hand with an inner resolve, accompanied by a firm resolution to live one’s life more consciously, to live differently, and to set new priorities.

Time and life are the same. Our life is our time. Our lives and ourselves are also the same. Ohne unser Leben würden wir nicht existieren. Thus, we ourselves are ultimately our time.


Philosophy Niveau Eléve

Every time we look at a haute watch, it reminds us that time is our time.

A Niveau Eléve watch goes hand in hand with an inner resolve, accompanied by a firm resolution to live one’s life more consciously, to live differently, and to set new priorities.

Time and life are the same. Our life is our time. Our lives and ourselves are also the same. Ohne unser Leben würden wir nicht existieren. Thus, we ourselves are ultimately our time.


of time

Our life is our time. Coming to terms with time changes our lives.

Time and space are the two elements that make up the structure of our universe.

The fact that time and space are relative means that everything in this universe is relative. Understanding the scientific and philosophical particularities of time enables us to reorient our own attitude towards time.


Symbolism and symbols

Time is mine!