Essence d’Esthétique
This watch aims directly at the essence of aesthetics, without detours or additions. It is free from any philosophy that has to explain something or put things in context. Pure aesthetics needs no frame, no operating instructions. It expresses itself, it manifests itself without being bound to anything else.
Essence d’Esthétique knows no compromises and pays no attention to whether one can afford the pure aesthetics, nor to practical aspects or technical refinements. Here it’s all about beauty and beauty itself. We don’t want a hybrid construct of aesthetics and other aspects, we want the aesthetics alone.
While the aesthetic in the Essence d’Esthétique line uses time, or the watch, as an occasion to present itself, because it presents itself at all times, the occasion is not limiting, but simply provides the opportunity.
Essence d’Esthétique, the way to the centre via the road of aesthetics.
There are many ways into the centre. Paths that are steep and strenuous, paths that require conditions, paths that you can only tread if you give up a lot. This path, the path via aesthetics, knows only one law, only one mechanic: Concentration on the beautiful. In order not to get lost and to find the destination, you just have to stay on the road of aesthetics, that’s all that is required of you.